Is AI Making Us Dumber? And What About Those “Influencers”?


Okay, I’ve been using AI for about a year now, and I’m starting to get a little freaked out. Not in a “robots are going to take over the world” kind of way, but more like a “wait, am I actually using my brain less?” kind of way.

It’s weird. I rely on AI for so much now, from writing emails to generating ideas, that I feel like I’m losing some of my edge. Remember when we used to actually have to, like, think to solve problems? Now I just ask an AI and boom, there’s the answer. It’s efficient, sure, but is it good for me in the long run?

This got me thinking about the whole social media landscape. It seems like nowadays, the less you actually do and the more shallow your content, the more followers you get. We’ve got “influencers” with millions of followers who literally just film themselves doing mundane stuff or, even worse, promoting useless products. Where’s the creativity? Where’s the substance?

And here’s the kicker: I have a sneaking suspicion that AI is going to make this whole situation worse. If anyone can generate “content” with a few clicks, what happens to the people who actually put time and effort into honing their craft? Will they get drowned out in a sea of AI-generated mediocrity? Will we end up in a world where the lazy and unoriginal get rich, while the truly creative and talented get left behind?

Look, I’m not saying AI is all bad. It’s a powerful tool with the potential to do amazing things. But we need to be careful. We need to make sure we’re using AI to enhance our creativity, not replace it. We need to support the creators who are actually pushing boundaries and making meaningful work.

And maybe, just maybe, we need to log off social media every once in a while and actually use our brains for something other than scrolling through endless reels.

What do you think? Am I overreacting? Is AI a threat to creativity, or a tool to enhance it? Let me know in the comments.

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